Welcome, TER liO (Occitanie) riders. Scroll down to find key information about all TER liO (Occitanie) transit options in the Occitanie area, like TER liO (Occitanie) schedules, maps, and next departures. You'll find more complete information about TER liO (Occitanie) and other transportation options in the Occitanie area in our app.
Download TransitSee Available LinesTER liO (Occitanie) is a public transportation provider that serves the Occitanie area. TER liO (Occitanie) operates the following transit modes across the Occitanie area: bus and ter. In total, TER liO (Occitanie) operates 9 bus lines and 1 ter line. TER liO (Occitanie) serves 408 stops or stations in the Occitanie area.