For too long, cars have been at the centre of our lives. Today, cities are embracing better ways to get around: by bus, train, bike, and foot. At Transit, we help you make the most of them so you don’t need to own a car.
When there are fewer cars, your city becomes a better place: one that's greener, more vibrant, and more joyful.
Your life is now less rushed, less financially burdened, more active, more fulfilling.
Instead you wake up to leaves rustling in the wind, birds singing, kids laughing, bicycles spinning.
Without cars, streets are open to wandering and exploring.
Friends stop and chat. Neighbours wave hello. Riding your bike doesn’t make you feel anxious. Parents don’t worry when their kids cross the street. Friends are no longer killed in car crashes.

Going places is now peaceful and fun, with bus lanes and bike paths to zip you around. Walking around the city is more pleasant. Without having to think about parking or traffic, you can stop anywhere you want.
You never wait more than a few minutes for the next bus or train.
For those few essential drives, a shared vehicle is always nearby. And look at you: with all that biking and walking under your belt, you’re feeling better than ever!
Clogged highways are being torn down to make way for tree-lined sidewalks, bike paths, and dedicated bus lanes. Streets are shedding their parking spots in favour of places to sit and eat. Gas stations are being repurposed into parks and plazas. Parking lots are getting replaced by shops and housing.
Decade by decade, block by block, our grand avenues were turned into deadly car conveyor belts. Our bustling public spaces were repurposed for vehicle storage.
Our cities and our lives can be so much more, if we just think differently about how we get around.