Born in Montreal. Raised on public transit. We’re a team of 70+ designers, developers, and downtownistas committed to reshaping cities so you don’t need a car.

It all starts at the intersection of Mile End and cyberspace, where you’ll find Transit HQ: an urbanist oasis, filled with people who believe that a city can be so much more than the sum of its parking spots. Do you believe there’s no better way to explore your city than by bus, train, bike, or walking? You’ve found your people.

ⓒ Sylvie Li


Born in Montreal. Raised on public transit. We’re a team of 70+ designers, developers, and downtownistas committed to reshaping cities so you don’t need a car.

It all starts at the intersection of Mile End and cyberspace, where you’ll find Transit HQ: an urbanist oasis, filled with people who believe that a city can be so much more than the sum of its parking spots. Do you believe there’s no better way to explore your city than by bus, train, bike, or walking? You’ve found your people.

ⓒ Sylvie Li


Born in Montreal. Raised on public transit. We’re a team of 70+ designers, developers, and downtownistas committed to reshaping cities so you don’t need a car.

It all starts at the intersection of Mile End and cyberspace, where you’ll find Transit HQ: an urbanist oasis, filled with people who believe that a city can be so much more than the sum of its parking spots. Do you believe there’s no better way to explore your city than by bus, train, bike, or walking? You’ve found your people.

ⓒ Sylvie Li












Transit Data

Transit Data



User Support

User Support

Sam Vermette

Co-founder & CEO

Guillaume Campagna

Co-founder & CTO

Jake Sion

Chief Operating Officer

David Block‑Schachter

Chief Business Officer

Abby Luddy‑Dunn

User Support Lead

Alexandre Grégoire

Web Lead

Alice Akka

Product Designer

Allison Gray


Allison Robert

Head of People & Culture

Anaïs Hilléreau

Product Technician

Anissa Bokhamy

iOS Developer

Annie Boulianne

Graphic Designer

Ayser Armiti

Data Science Lead

Béatrice Dubreuil

Graphic Designer

Beth Resta


Boris Dubois

Android Developer

Brigitte Pawliw‑Fry

East Coast Partnerships

Brody Flannigan

Transit Data Analyst

Cameron Monagle

Real-time Data Developer

Camille Villard‑George

Web Developer

Carole-Anne Daunais

GO Navigation Developer

Catherine LaRivière

Community Manager

Christina Blackston

Project Management Lead

Christine Mongeau

Partnership Operations Lead

Dallas Delaney

Product Marketing Manager

Dana Sulit

Web Developer

David Bourgault

Routing Developer

Dimitri Tacita

Growth Manager

Dongah Lee

Transit Data Analyst

Elijah Herron

Transit Data Analyst

Émilie Bonnier

Product Designer

Emily Baird

Web Developer

Emily Gates

Head of Service Delivery

Éric Boissonneault

Android Developer

Estelle de Magondeaux

Full-Stack Web Developer, internal tools

Étienne Tremblay

Data Scientist

Evan Magoni

Web Developer

Félix Bouquet

Routing Developer

Félix Lapalme

iOS Lead

Fenella O'Brien

Partner Success Lead

Flavien Simon

Android Developer

Florian Soleil

iOS Developer

Gregory Pevnev

Backend Services Developer

Hannah Kennell

Revenue Operations

Ivana Nedyalkova

Partner Success

Jeremy Steele

Static Data Developer

Jérôme Le Lan

Routing Lead

Jessica Roberts


Joe MacNeil


Jonathan Milot

GO Navigation Developer

Juan Borreguero

Real-time Data Lead

Julien Lépine

iOS Developer

Kaj Huddart

East Coast Partnerships Lead

Kerra Shukster

Partner Success

Laura Lanzoni

Product Designer

Laurence de Villers

Android Developer

Lawrence Temple

Infrastructure Developer

Luc Dion

GO Navigation Lead

Marco Graniero Celis

Transit Data Analyst

Marie‑Pier Chevrier

French Translator

Marisa Henry

Data Scientist

Maude Roy-Grenier

Office Manager

Maxime Mongeau

iOS Developer

Mike Evans-Ford

Country Manager, UK & Ireland

Michel Kobbi-Moran

Marketing Operations

Minerva Núñez

User Support

Nancy Cantu

Static Data Developer

Nathan Hamblen

Data Infrastructure Lead

Nicolas Thomas

Web Designer

Noah Horowitz

iOS Developer

Pedro Moreno

Spanish Translator

Peter Ball

Real-time Data Developer

Quentin Sommer

Data Developer

Richard Archambault

Project Manager

Rodrigo Hausen

Routing Developer

Roman Boswell

User Support

Samuel Dionne

Android Lead

Sara Khatib

Transit Data Analyst

Stéphanie Grandperret

Head of Finance & Operations

Stephanie Smith

QA Analyst

Stephen Miller

Policy Lead

Timothée Millet

Transit Data Analyst Lead

Trân‑Quân Luong

Head of Mobile

Valérie Lalonde

Creative Marketing Lead

Vincent Salamanca-Gagnon

Android Developer

William Scullion

Real-time Data Developer

Xavier Boureau

General Manager, Europe

Yann Danthu

Web Developer

Sam Vermette

Co-founder & CEO

Guillaume Campagna

Co-founder & CTO

Jake Sion

Chief Operating Officer

David Block‑Schachter

Chief Business Officer

Abby Luddy‑Dunn

User Support Lead

Alexandre Grégoire

Web Lead

Alice Akka

Product Designer

Allison Gray


Allison Robert

Head of People & Culture

Anaïs Hilléreau

Product Technician

Anissa Bokhamy

iOS Developer

Annie Boulianne

Graphic Designer

Ayser Armiti

Data Science Lead

Béatrice Dubreuil

Graphic Designer

Beth Resta


Boris Dubois

Android Developer

Brigitte Pawliw‑Fry

East Coast Partnerships

Brody Flannigan

Transit Data Analyst

Cameron Monagle

Real-time Data Developer

Camille Villard‑George

Web Developer

Carole-Anne Daunais

GO Navigation Developer

Catherine LaRivière

Community Manager

Christina Blackston

Project Management Lead

Christine Mongeau

Partnership Operations Lead

Dallas Delaney

Product Marketing Manager

Dana Sulit

Web Developer

David Bourgault

Routing Developer

Dimitri Tacita

Growth Manager

Dongah Lee

Transit Data Analyst

Elijah Herron

Transit Data Analyst

Émilie Bonnier

Product Designer

Emily Baird

Web Developer

Emily Gates

Head of Service Delivery

Éric Boissonneault

Android Developer

Estelle de Magondeaux

Full-Stack Web Developer, internal tools

Étienne Tremblay

Data Scientist

Evan Magoni

Web Developer

Félix Bouquet

Routing Developer

Félix Lapalme

iOS Lead

Fenella O'Brien

Partner Success Lead

Flavien Simon

Android Developer

Florian Soleil

iOS Developer

Gregory Pevnev

Backend Services Developer

Hannah Kennell

Revenue Operations

Ivana Nedyalkova

Partner Success

Jeremy Steele

Static Data Developer

Jérôme Le Lan

Routing Lead

Jessica Roberts


Joe MacNeil


Jonathan Milot

GO Navigation Developer

Juan Borreguero

Real-time Data Lead

Julien Lépine

iOS Developer

Kaj Huddart

East Coast Partnerships Lead

Kerra Shukster

Partner Success

Laura Lanzoni

Product Designer

Laurence de Villers

Android Developer

Lawrence Temple

Infrastructure Developer

Luc Dion

GO Navigation Lead

Marco Graniero Celis

Transit Data Analyst

Marie‑Pier Chevrier

French Translator

Marisa Henry

Data Scientist

Maude Roy-Grenier

Office Manager

Maxime Mongeau

iOS Developer

Mike Evans-Ford

Country Manager, UK & Ireland

Michel Kobbi-Moran

Marketing Operations

Minerva Núñez

User Support

Nancy Cantu

Static Data Developer

Nathan Hamblen

Data Infrastructure Lead

Nicolas Thomas

Web Designer

Noah Horowitz

iOS Developer

Pedro Moreno

Spanish Translator

Peter Ball

Real-time Data Developer

Quentin Sommer

Data Developer

Richard Archambault

Project Manager

Rodrigo Hausen

Routing Developer

Roman Boswell

User Support

Samuel Dionne

Android Lead

Sara Khatib

Transit Data Analyst

Stéphanie Grandperret

Head of Finance & Operations

Stephanie Smith

QA Analyst

Stephen Miller

Policy Lead

Timothée Millet

Transit Data Analyst Lead

Trân‑Quân Luong

Head of Mobile

Valérie Lalonde

Creative Marketing Lead

Vincent Salamanca-Gagnon

Android Developer

William Scullion

Real-time Data Developer

Xavier Boureau

General Manager, Europe

Yann Danthu

Web Developer

Sam Vermette

Co-founder & CEO

Guillaume Campagna

Co-founder & CTO

Jake Sion

Chief Operating Officer

David Block‑Schachter

Chief Business Officer

Abby Luddy‑Dunn

User Support Lead

Alexandre Grégoire

Web Lead

Alice Akka

Product Designer

Allison Gray


Allison Robert

Head of People & Culture

Anaïs Hilléreau

Product Technician

Anissa Bokhamy

iOS Developer

Annie Boulianne

Graphic Designer

Ayser Armiti

Data Science Lead

Béatrice Dubreuil

Graphic Designer

Beth Resta


Boris Dubois

Android Developer

Brigitte Pawliw‑Fry

East Coast Partnerships

Brody Flannigan

Transit Data Analyst

Cameron Monagle

Real-time Data Developer

Camille Villard‑George

Web Developer

Carole-Anne Daunais

GO Navigation Developer

Catherine LaRivière

Community Manager

Christina Blackston

Project Management Lead

Christine Mongeau

Partnership Operations Lead

Dallas Delaney

Product Marketing Manager

Dana Sulit

Web Developer

David Bourgault

Routing Developer

Dimitri Tacita

Growth Manager

Dongah Lee

Transit Data Analyst

Elijah Herron

Transit Data Analyst

Émilie Bonnier

Product Designer

Emily Baird

Web Developer

Emily Gates

Head of Service Delivery

Éric Boissonneault

Android Developer

Estelle de Magondeaux

Full-Stack Web Developer, internal tools

Étienne Tremblay

Data Scientist

Evan Magoni

Web Developer

Félix Bouquet

Routing Developer

Félix Lapalme

iOS Lead

Fenella O'Brien

Partner Success Lead

Flavien Simon

Android Developer

Florian Soleil

iOS Developer

Gregory Pevnev

Backend Services Developer

Hannah Kennell

Revenue Operations

Ivana Nedyalkova

Partner Success

Jeremy Steele

Static Data Developer

Jérôme Le Lan

Routing Lead

Jessica Roberts


Joe MacNeil


Jonathan Milot

GO Navigation Developer

Juan Borreguero

Real-time Data Lead

Julien Lépine

iOS Developer

Kaj Huddart

East Coast Partnerships Lead

Kerra Shukster

Partner Success

Laura Lanzoni

Product Designer

Laurence de Villers

Android Developer

Lawrence Temple

Infrastructure Developer

Luc Dion

GO Navigation Lead

Marco Graniero Celis

Transit Data Analyst

Marie‑Pier Chevrier

French Translator

Marisa Henry

Data Scientist

Maude Roy-Grenier

Office Manager

Maxime Mongeau

iOS Developer

Mike Evans-Ford

Country Manager, UK & Ireland

Michel Kobbi-Moran

Marketing Operations

Minerva Núñez

User Support

Nancy Cantu

Static Data Developer

Nathan Hamblen

Data Infrastructure Lead

Nicolas Thomas

Web Designer

Noah Horowitz

iOS Developer

Pedro Moreno

Spanish Translator

Peter Ball

Real-time Data Developer

Quentin Sommer

Data Developer

Richard Archambault

Project Manager

Rodrigo Hausen

Routing Developer

Roman Boswell

User Support

Samuel Dionne

Android Lead

Sara Khatib

Transit Data Analyst

Stéphanie Grandperret

Head of Finance & Operations

Stephanie Smith

QA Analyst

Stephen Miller

Policy Lead

Timothée Millet

Transit Data Analyst Lead

Trân‑Quân Luong

Head of Mobile

Valérie Lalonde

Creative Marketing Lead

Vincent Salamanca-Gagnon

Android Developer

William Scullion

Real-time Data Developer

Xavier Boureau

General Manager, Europe

Yann Danthu

Web Developer

50% of our team cycle
to work.

We put the "quad" in quad-core processors.

50% of our team
cycle to work.

We put the "quad" in quad-core processors.

70% of us don’t own a car.

Help us make that number even bigger!

70% of us don’t own a car.

Help us make that number even bigger!

We proudly own 4,108 emoji on Slack.

Because sometimes it’s hard to find le mot juste.

We proudly own 4,108 emoji on Slack.

Because sometimes it’s hard to find le mot juste.

50% of our team cycle
to work.

We put the "quad" in quad-core processors.

70% of us don’t own a car.

Help us make that number even bigger!

We proudly own 4,108 emoji on Slack.

Because sometimes it’s hard to find le mot juste.