Calgary Transit (Calgary)

Saddle up, Calgary! We’ve got real-time information for all of Calgary Transit’s bus and train lines. Looking for next departures? Planning a trip? Our app Transit will help you find the best bus and CTrain trips around Calgary, and notify you of service changes so you never miss a bus or train.

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Calgary Transit bus

Calgary Transit max & brt

Calgary Transit ctrain

About Calgary Transit

Calgary Transit is a public transportation provider in Calgary operating local buses, MAX, BRT, and the CTrain. And guess what? We’ve got real-time data for all 142 bus lines, 7 max & brt lines and 2 ctrain lines. Find transit from Bridgeland to Beltline, Inglewood to Kensington, our humble Saddledome, and all the other 5,954 stops and stations served by Calgary Transit.

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